Welcome To LHCC!
You might be wondering, what's it really like at LHCC? Simply stated, at LHCC, we're all about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. And we don't care how you're dressed or what candidate you voted for. Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.
Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.
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Sheila Wilks
Went to worship with my niece and husband. We were welcomed immediately. As ministers with the Assemblies of God it was nice to see such love and kindness. The worship was wonderful acoustics. No blaring lights, fog lights ,symbols not of the Lord. The worship was led by the Pastor and it was holy. The message was about worshipping and wrestling with God until there is peace. Next time in California we have a home church. Thank you Lake Hills Christian Center.

Stephen Lazano
Hi Beloved Christian Family, I had been invited to Lake Hills Christian Center through a Family Member my Uncle who has been serving in the Ministry there. And I was just in Aww on how Holy Spirit Filled the Church was , Pastor had a Very Powerful Message. I have been a Christian since 1986 and have visited many Churches in my time and Definetly can Feel when the Holy Spirit is talking to you , through you. Pastors Inspiring Word , Message of the Gospel was Truthful, Prophetic, Biblically Accurate and the Conviction for Redemption was beyond belief !!!!! I would highly recommend this Ministry to and for those of You/I/Us who need a Powerful Messages to be fed and keep Our Relationship, Walk in Christ Jesus to be Faithful Servants. My Wife , Myself will be attending Lake Hills Christian Center as My New Home. Please Come and Join The Family. With Much Love Beloved.

Elisa Medina
Beautifully located at the top of a mountain Lake Hills reminds me of Mount Mariah - the sacred place Christ sacrificed his life for our sins & our salvation. Bible -Based - Old School Teachings you will visibly see a very large bible located in the front center of the church when you arrive confirming that scripture is of paramount importance & will never return void! The congregation is filled with love, compassion and scriptural references A rainbow of people who mirror what heaven will be like! A Love for ALL - praise & worship with passion coupled with their dedication and love for Community this church also provided Food Banks prior to Covid. I love and pray feverently for this beautiful place